I Finally Did It! Shop My Art Prints...
Alrighty folks the day has finally come! After almost a year of hemming and hawing and being told over and over again that I should be selling my artwork, I finally worked up the nerve to do it. As of right now the shop has been open for 9 hours (launched at 1 AM October 22nd, 2019), my first two sales have come through, and I’m over here sipping coffee in my pajamas with my heart feeling all full and happy.
So far I’ve only made a few pieces available. I have a closet full of paintings that I plan to photograph and catalog, and I have big plans to paint a holiday collection to launch mid-November. I haven’t felt this excited in awhile! There will be more to come on this front, but for now I just wanted to check in, say a massive THANK YOU for the support, and show you my first few pieces.
Keep scrolling to see painting previews, and feel free to click on each one to be taken to the shop page if you want to explore further.
Lots of love,
Julia xo